Know the Depth, Wish for More

A sci-fi horror adventure by
Twin Strangers Productions.

Syntax is a science fiction horror audio drama which premiered on March 31st, 2022. Streaming to Spotify, Apple, Google, Amazon, and Stitcher podcast services.

Listen here now, or go to Episodes for more platform options

About Syntax

Syntax tells the story of Silas Caldwell, a linguist, who finds himself employed by VINCULA, a biotech company with an unearthly set of artifacts in their possession. Not least among them is the Breach, a large, spiraling tunnel which leads back to its singular entrance... or so it seems. Alongside a team of scientists and explorers, Silas plunges into the world beyond the Breach, and is touched by terrors beyond his wildest dreams.Syntax is the first audio fiction by Twin Strangers Productions, a US based production company creating original audio dramas in a post-Covid world. We specialize in horror stories and adventures with a focus on unique Foley and soundscaping while keeping interesting characters at the forefront.

Begin the harrowing journey:(more platforms listed below player)

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VINCULA Employees Assigned to Breach Project, now designated Breacher Team Alpha:

  • Silas Caldwell (He/Him) - Breacher: Linguist

  • Cassius Thatcher (They/Them) - Breacher: Team Lead, Biologist

  • Elizabeth Bellanger (She/Her) - Breacher: Cryptozoologist

  • Alyx Yard (She/Her) - Breacher: Physicist

  • Greg Washburn (He/Him) - Breacher: Security Lead Deceased

  • Jeremiah Woods (He/Him) - Breacher: Medic Missing

Breacher teams are supported by:

  • Steve Beckett (He/Him) - Director of Yanus Base, current residence of the Breach Project

  • Evelyn Vaux (She/Her) - VINCULA's Breacher Team Supervisor (Alpha)

  • June Dawson (She/Her) - Yanus Base Residence Manager

  • Fred Kitzman (He/They) - Breacher: Security Deceased

  • Elora Mason (She/They) - Formerly Breacher Security Deceased

  • Moss Langston (They/Them) - Echo Team Lead


Click Underlined Names for Actor Website

Ty Von (He/Him)

I'm Ty, and I write and voice act for Twin Strangers Productions, as one of two of the twins in the strangers originally. Rowan approached me late in 2021 and idly asked if I wanted to make a horror podcast. I've always enjoyed a bit of the spook and a dash of the dramatic, and saying yes got me in this mess here. Currently writing Syntax and providing the voice for Silas Caldwell. I despise long walks on the beach and listen to rain ambience while writing terrible things happening to our characters, and I'm loving every moment of it.

Sage Phung (They/Any)

Hello! My name is Sage and when I’m not voicing Cassius, I’m working as a high school English teacher! I’m a Capricorn sun, Scorpio moon, and Leo rising. I’m 25 as of when I’m writing this little bio, and my pronouns are They/Any! You’ll come to find Cassius and I are fairly similar (if you get Ko-Fi rewards, that is, wink wink). Other hobbies of mine include adding to my 460+ hours in The Sims 4 and spending what free time I have with my boyfriend and like, 1 friend I live near. Anyways, I hope that you enjoy the podcast!

Morgie Bee (Any)

Heyo! I’m Morgie, also known as Babi in the digital world and I go by they/any pronouns. I am the voice of Elizabeth (Bellanger) and one of our Foley artists! I also created one of the official art pieces for Syntax as well as some of our merchandises. I’ve always had a knack for all things spooky along with a passion for entertainment, so naturally when the opportunity to voice act in Syntax arose, I was ecstatic! Before COVID hit and I sold my soul to the medical field, I was going to university to become a Sexologist. Since then I have decided to pursue my passions as a content creator, artist, and voice actor. If you like the energy I bring for Lizzy or just simply want to hear my voice more, feel free to hangout with me on twitch (PlagueBabi) and check out all my other projects, socials, and art commissions at -- after all, I’m Ty and Rowan's favorite for a reason (●´ω`●) ✿

Jules Christine (She/They)

Hey there! I’m Julie Christine (Jules) from Florida. I’m 27, Capricorn. I voice the little sister of the team, Alyx Yard! I also voice Sonia Jelly in Cryptid Counselor! I graduated with an Associates in Science for Musical Theater and am looking more towards the voice acting realm. I was so excited when I heard about this podcast and getting a chance to voice act. I enjoy playing video games, gardening, baking, cooking, singing, making music and spending time with my kitties. I’m super interested in horror/paranormal themes, fantasy and true crime. I’ve enjoyed watching this podcast come to life and hope that others will fall in love with it just as the cast and crew have! I currently work in the poker industry as a development supervisor, but I hope to one day do more voice acting, voice lessons and own an apothebakery.

Cody Burke (He/Him)

Hi there. My name is Cody Burke, and I currently voice Greg Washburn on Syntax. I currently work for a cellphone company, but I’m an avid action figure/toy collector, and even co-host another podcast talking about the world of toys. I went to school for sculpting, and my life dream is becoming a toy creator, but voice acting is pretty cool for the time being. Hope you enjoy the world we’ve created for Syntax!

Elgin Smith (He/Him)

Hi! My name is Elgin. I’m 22 and I lend my voice to Jeremiah Woods – or J, as he’s better known as. I currently work at Home Depot, but I mostly like to game! I’m also a big Dungeons & Dragons nerd! My favorite class is fighter and I WILL fight you on it. This is my first time voice acting so I hope I can bring something new and exciting to the table to entertain you all!

Renee Helsel (She/Her)

Hello there! My name is Renee' and I am the voice of the sweet, but firm, June Dawson! Voice acting has always been a big dream of mine, and as a huge horror fan, when Syntax opened up I KNEW I had to be a part of it! June and I share a lot of the same thoughts and sentiments which makes getting into character super fun! As a Taurus, I’m a really friendly, laid back, go with the flow kind of person that likes to take care of the people I care about. Outside of Syntax, I have 4 feline fur babies – Loki, Runa, Emiko, and Selune – who I love dearly. I run my own small business called KitsuneForge where I hand craft various fursuit parts including paws, tails, and ear headbands! I’m a huge gamer and play a lot of action/adventure games. With horror being my favorite genre, I’m a huge Resident Evil fan. In my free time I like to draw a bit, often delving into fan art (I’m currently working on some for Syntax! Shhh)

Kaila Crockett (She/Her)

Hello all! I'm Kaila. but I go by either Kai, Kanani, or Nani – any will do! I grew up doing theater, so when Rowan asked if I was interested in trying voice acting, I couldn't decline. When I'm not voicing the lovely Miss Vaux, I'm busy being a stay at home mother for my three year old and streaming over on twitch. I enjoy doing artwork and trying out a variety of games, with the occasional reading (when I have time). Feel free to stop by and visit at!

Joe Cliff Thompson (He/Him)

Hello! My name is Joe Cliff Thompson, and I am the voice of Agent Steve Beckett. I am a professional screen and voice actor based in Los Angeles. You can hear my voice in many audio productions over the last ten years— most recently in the Game Awards-nominated multi-platform indie game The Forgotten City as Al Worth, as the voice of popular animated SCP YouTuber Dr. Bob, and in the upcoming remake of the cult classic horror PC game System Shock.
In my free time, you can also find me streaming video games on Twitch under the handle Thunder_Sauce, writing, editing, and composing music for fun.
I’m overjoyed to join the fantastically talented cast of Syntax for Season 2, and I already know you’re going to love what we have in store for you!

Momo (They/Them)

Hiya, I’m Momo. I voice a spooky, mysterious character with questionable motives in Syntax. During the day, I make things pretty, functional, and accessible with code. Outside of that, I fixate on sound design, voice acting, and writing, all of which go into my own show (The Moon Crown.) Most of my time goes to researching each of those things, and I've read/watched far too many articles and/or video essays on all of the above, with a special interest in what makes things scary.

Saph the Something (Xae/Xem)

Saph the Something coming in loud and clear, command! My pronouns are xae/xem (pronounced zey/zem) and I am a non-binary and queer disabled writer, actor, and all around enjoyer of audio dramas. I consider myself a multimedia artist between my own podcast projects (The Supernatural Protection Company and KILL FM), my sustainable genderless clothing shop, and my other endless artistic pursuits. With the support of my fluffy cat Friday, I’m taking life one day at a time and trying to make the most I can with it. 💜

Rae Witte (She/Her)

Hi, my name is Rae Witte and I voice Nico Weber. I spent 15 years on various stages throughout college and in community ensembles until my love for the stage was overcome by my love for my family. Voice acting has given me an incredible opportunity to maintain a connection with the world of performance while working on a schedule that lets me have dinner with my kids every night. I couldn’t be more excited to be part of the Syntax team and I hope every listener loves this show as much as I do - but how could you not?!

Asher Amor-Train (They/Them)

Hello! I'm Asher and I voice the energetic menace known as Finley Adams. I was lucky enough to be dragged into the world of voice acting, and from there to Twin Strangers and Syntax, by my good friend Leon, writer of Tell No Tales and all around good egg. I'm thrilled to be among this incredible group of actors, writers, and directors and hope to keep lending my voice to their wonderful projects!

Elijah Harper (They/Them)

G’day! I’m Elijah Harper, voicing the delightfully bull-headed Lief Hanson in Syntax! (If the greeting or accent didn’t tip you off, I’m Australian.) Syntax is my first big appearance, but you may have heard me once before in The Moon Crown, or singing in the Anguilliform Chorus in Eeler’s Choice. Aside from voice acting, I’m a hobbyist linguist, a professional musician, and a huge fan of tabletop roleplaying games. I also love musical theatre and detective fiction; my current project, naturally, is a murder mystery musical.


Rowan Odom (They/Them)

Hey there! I’m Rowan, the founder and producer of Twin Strangers Productions (as one of two of the twins in the strangers originally), as well as the creator and editor for Syntax! I started this project with the mindset of bringing an interesting, horrific audio drama into the world with the help of all the incredible people you see on this page – I particularly enjoy dragging unwilling victims into my schemes of grandeur. When I’m not working on Syntax, I enjoy (lovingly) torturing my two cats (one who stars as Silas’s kitty, Vox!), playing an expanse of video games, and watching anime. I can’t wait to show y’all what’s in store!

Gage Odom (He/Him)

Hello, my name is Gage. I'm here to support the producers with SFX work, monster sounds, extra characters, and whatever else they need. You’ll notice that Rowan is my younger sister, who does a great job of annoying me when she’s not doing this. All I do is work in a pharmacy and play video games of all kinds. Look for me on Twitch, Steam, and other services as T3chBug.

Anthony Crockett (He/Him)

Hi! My name is Anthony, and I’m the artist for Syntax. I created the cover art and will be working with the creators to produce more art in the future. I’m married to Kaila, who voices Miss Vaux, and love spending time with her and our three year old son. I enjoy doing many mediums of art, but my favorite is working with scratchboards. When I’m not working or doing artwork, I enjoy reading, building things, or playing video games – my favorite being Terraria, or any of the FromSoft games. I hope you enjoy the art and the podcast itself!


We'd like to thank supporters of our show, listed below. With your generous donations, we aim to raise the quality and quantity of shows made by Twin Strangers Productions! Thank you.


Derrick Valen
Saph the Something
Reuben Eadon
Michael Ireland
Rayne Ward
Leanne Egan

Alex French
Kit Lin H.P. Ember
M. Molder
Audrey Martin
Jessica Berson
Jonathan Rowanhill
Dallas Byrd
Johann Kingsley
Bluebelle and Kai


Micah Carmichael
Saph the Something
Zachary Larick
Tabitha Monterrey Seitchik
Kirke Varan-Sunwhisper
M. Molder
Audrey Martin
Karolina Smidova
Derrick Valen
Kristina Seabolt
Jessica Berson
Pelle Frid
Jamie Henderson
Reuben Eadon
Clay Clark
Kit Hartig

Jen Schaible
Packhowl Media
Jonathan Rowanhill
Leanne Egan
Kristeen Ginn
Hil Hoover
Jonathan Bacon
Audree Feltner
Heather Burchell
Abbey Konzen
Jaagup Markus Niitvägi
Katrina Rogers
Adam Robinson
Jose Sanchez
Johann Kingsley

Transcripts for live episodes are linked below.






Twin Strangers Productions is a project of passion, but if you like what we're doing, please consider supporting us financially on Ko-Fi or Patreon. Monthly supporters can receive a variety of benefits like early releases and fun extra content. The full story of Syntax will be on all major listening platforms, but with your donations, we hope to make bigger and darker things in the future. Thank you for your consideration.

One of the best ways to support us is by reviewing and sharing the show. You can review us on iTunes or the Spotify mobile app, and 3rd party sites like Podchaser are helpful too!

We've launched a merch store on Etsy!
TSPMerch on Etsy
Your purchases go directly to funding the artists who make our designs as well as the cast and crew of Syntax. Thank you!

The following are sponsors of Syntax. If you would like to sponsor us or do an ad swap, contact us: [email protected]

Syntax utilizes World Anvil! Get your world building off the ground and bring your fiction(s) one step closer to reality. Support us and get 51% off an annual subscription using our code: 'syntax' World Anvil Link

Syntax has a collection of loose leaf teas on BlendBee! Enjoy one of our four special-teas based on the first four Depths encountered by the Breachers. Inspired by listener recommendations! BlendBee Collection

Syntax is an affiliate of FanRoll! Get 10% off your shiny click-clacks and tabletop gaming accessories with our referral code and support the show: FanRoll Affiliate Link

Syntax is partnered with Broadly Epi, a rapidly growing repository of information and education about public health and epidemiology. Find a list of their full tutorials and services here: Broadly Epi Affiliate Link

Our friends over at Fool & Scholar Productions are indie creators of premier audio dramas! You might know them from the excellent 'The White Vault' or 'Dark Dice', but if not, now's a great time to catch up and find more shows! Fool & Scholar Productions Link